
Blogs and Advice

Year 8 visit the Royal Armouries Museum in Leeds

Year 8 visit the Royal Armouries Museum in Leeds


Year 8 History pupils are currently studying the English Civil War and last week, enjoyed a visit to the Royal Armouries Museum in Leeds. Pupils explored five floors of galleries with over 4,500 objects on display. They discovered how arms and armour have shaped society, art, and culture throughout history. 

Pupils were put through their paces as they learnt and practiced historic pike and musket drills in interactive character-led sessions. These workshops are an excellent way to enhance learning. Pupils also got their hands on the museum's unrivalled handling collection of weaponry and armour to understand the key roles of cavalry and foot soldiers in the conflict.

It was a thoroughly enjoyable day. Thank you to Head of History, Clare Atkin for orgainsing. 

