
Blogs and Advice

Seascape Artist Nick Paden visits Tranby

Seascape Artist Nick Paden visits Tranby


Nick Paden is known to many people in Scarborough as a yachtsman and a surfer but fewer people know of Nick’s hidden talent as an artist. As might be expected, his paintings are influenced by the interplay of the elements of tides, waves, rocks and skies. Working mostly in acrylics, his favourite places to paint are the beaches of our own Yorkshire coast, Northumberland and the far North of Scotland.

Today we welcomed Nick to Tranby who presented his work and ran a workshop with 10 GCSE Art pupils.

Head of Art, Elise Wallis said "The Year 10 pupils have a enjoyed a very informative morning with Nick, talking, painting and discussing the practical side of painting seascapes. Pupils are often surprised to learn that 'Artists' are just normal people practising their art purely for the love of it. Listening to the presentation and chatting with Nick, the students quickly learned that Nick clearly paints from a very personal perspective. During the practical session, students painted from examples of Nick's work, allowing him to pass on useful tricks of the trade to them.''

Thank you Nick for an inspiring morning.
