
Blogs and Advice

Twenty-Four Former pupils enjoy the last Tranby History Tour of this academic year

Twenty-Four Former pupils enjoy the last Tranby History Tour of this academic year


On Friday 30 June Mr Stephenson gave his ninth and final Tranby Croft tour of the school year. Each of the tours has focussed on either the Wilson family or Hull High School, the latter being based in the building since 1945 and retaining that name (or, more popularly, 'Tranby' - as it is called today) until the merger in 2005/6. Amateur historians, former and current pupils and parents, and anyone with just an interest in or curiosity about Tranby Croft have joined the tours, most of which have regularly been complete sell outs. The photographs show our group of twenty-four former pupils, some still with their red berets, on the main staircase (forbidden to use, in their day, if you were not Sixth Form or staff!) and looking through our photographic archive collection for pictures of themselves or friends. Also featured is Jane Allmark, holding an original photo of herself from her time as Head Girl in 1976.

We are delighted to inform you that we secured Gertrude Attwood's archives used in the writing of her book 'The Wilsons of Tranby Croft', acquired through funds raised by the Tranby Croft history tours and a couple of private donations. It is nice to know that this material is now safe, here where it belongs, and that it can be used as an educational resource not only for our present but also for future generations of pupils to help increase their understanding, and foster a greater appreciation of, the building and its history. Its acquisition is also very timely given that we shall be celebrating the sesquicentennial ( = 150 years) of Tranby Croft next year! More information on that in due course.

Tours continue in September and October. Places are limited and advance booking is essential on the link below.

